La musica della songwriter americana Kayla Cohen, in arte Itasca, stupisce per la sua continua mutevolezza, tra misticismo e mondi mentali ermetici, valorizzati da una scrittura desertica e straordinariamente illuminati da una tecnica fingerpicking sopraffina. Out per Paradise of Bachelors, label che annovera nel suo roster nomi del calibro di Bonnie Prince Billie, James-Elkington e Mile Cooper.
Itasca is the musical identity of Los Angeles-based guitarist, singer, and songwriter Kayla Cohen. Just as the name itself is ambiguous—a 19th-century pseudo-Ojibwe place name and portmanteau of the Latin words for “truth” (veritas) and “head” (caput)—so too is Cohen’s musical project mutable and multivalent: fundamentally unconcerned with genre, but richly allusive of the hermetic worlds of private-press canyon-cult mystics and East Coast noiseniks alike. "Open to Chance", Itasca’s first album on Paradise of Bachelors was her first to feature the full band with whom she currently records and tours, including pedal steel player and frequent collaborator Dave McPeters, drummer Coleman Guyon and bassist and vocalist Julia Nowak. On El Día de los Muertos, an apt day to celebrate Itasca’s captivating, her new album Spring was born, which is now in stores and streaming worldwide. Her impressionistic prose and swoon-worthy arrangements have earned acclaim from, among others, The Fader, NPR, and Uncut, whose lead review compares Cohen’s music to “a handspun fabric, stunning to behold in full, but astonishingly meticulous when viewed up close”.
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"A sprawling fascination with the natural world and the nature of people" PITCHFORK
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