Non ci sono parole per descrivere Simon Joyner, talento irriverente e prolifico in grado di influenzare artisti del calibro di Beck, Kevin Morby, Bright Eyes, Gillian Welch. La sua musica è unica e difficilmente classificabile, come spesso succede per grandi artisti come lui. Mai scoperto dal mondo mainstream, ma per ogni uscita prodotto da label di grande livello, come Jagjaguwar, Woodsist, Ba da Bing, Island) è rimasto dal suo primo album (lo stupendo "Umbilical Chords" del '92) fino alle sue ultime, meravigliose fatiche ("Pocket Moon", uscita ad ottobre 2019 per Island) ed il recentissimo "Songs from a Stolen Guitar", due rare perle underground, per questo non poteva che essere amore a prima vista tra lui e la vostra dolce Vertigo.
"Pocket Moon" finds Joyner’s myriad powers undiminished, his legacy assured, his muse dogged and insatiable, his writing sharper than ever. This is music as mindfulness: Joyner is unwilling to simply report the sweeping gestures but instead observes the violence, beauty, and absurdity of everyday life up close and dares you to join him in laughing at it, ruminating on it, or running from it screaming. Simon Joyner (born 1971) is an American singer-songwriter from Omaha, Nebraska, United States. He has influenced the music of Bright Eyes, Kevin Morby and Gillian Welch. In the early 1990s, Beck listed Joyner in his top 10 albums when asked by Rolling Stone. He is also known for the so-called "Peel Incident," when British DJ John Peel played his album, The Cowardly Traveller Pays His Toll, from beginning to end on air.
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"Simon Joyner is that rarest of things in the world of modern popular music" PITCHFORK
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